About Us
What does CKC stand for?
The first “C” stands for Courtney. She started the company way back in 2014 when she wanted to make jumps for her beloved mare, Rumor. Everywhere she tried to originally buy jumps they were either very bad quality or way too much $$$$. At CKC, Courtney handles 90% of the online presence including the website, ads, sales, orders, purchasing, and customer service as well as finances and record keeping. She loves working on jump designs. You can most often find her sanding, painting, and assisting with the construction.
The “K” stands for Kayla. She is Courtney’s older sister, and an integral part of the company. Kayla came on board just a few weeks after the company started, and assists with purchasing. Her main focus is construction, assembly, deliveries, processing, mounting blocks ( her favorite ), and co-designing with Courtney. She also helps with sanding and painting on large orders.
Although Kayla used to ride as a child, she prefers to enjoy horses on the ground. Kayla loves playing "aunt" to Courtney's horses.
The last “C” stands for Christy. She is Kayla and Courtney’s mother, and went to school for sign painting. She assists with painting on large orders, and hand paints all letter work that you may see. She is the family cheerleader and helps with a little bit of everything, always with a smile and the best attitude.
Behind the scenes we have another “C”, in our oldest sister, Christina. She helps with various things and we couldn’t do this without her!!
When you purchase from CKC, you are getting hand crafted quality products from a small, family owned company. Not a big corporation!!